Beginning of July 2010 there were tens of thousands of enthusiastic festival-goers together in Werchter. This event is always a challenge security-wise. For the companies Terec & Fast systems this was chosen as the first real live test. The new application would provide a new dimension of multidisciplinary control at the festival site.
The system provides seamless integration of digital camera images, GPS, CityGIS ASTRID and networks such as GSM. The position of police and emergency medical services was through the ASTRID network (APL), all redirected to a central location server. From there, the images were distributed to the command center of the police and the command center of the Red Cross. The teams were not only visualized on a conventional map, but also in a 3D view of the festival site.
In total, there are about 35 THR880i EADS radios in use by the Red Cross and the Federal Police all identified in the command room. The history of the movement for teams was shown with a line in color on the screen for the last movements of the last teams. This software can very quickly bring the closest team to the scene of an incident or send for assistance of another team. By calibrating the digital cameras with the DTM (Digital Terrain Model), each pixel in a 2D video image can be related on screen to a 3D XYZ coordinate. In establishing an incident, a simple mouse click in the image sends an ASTRID radio waypoint to the nearest team.
What exactly happens on the field? The radio user receives an SDS-ASTRID radio message with the correct coordinates (waypoint). Using a compass on the screen of the radio – a standard feature in all THR880i EADS radios – the radio user follows the directions to the place. After a positive test at Werchter, the 3D application has proven its value for safety management. We are thinking specifically of mass events in large open areas with little beacons or reference points for workers.
Werktuigendagen Oudenaarde is the largest open air exhibition for agriculture machines & technology in Belgium.
Tersec provides the wireless video surveillance solution for police, emergency and security services system since 2009.
We provide high-end camera systems with powerful zoom capabilities and wireless transmission links.
Mar 21 | Brussels, Belgium
TERSEC technologies & FAST systems were present at the big CityMesh CO-OP 2023 event at Brussels Airport on March 21.
After the great success of the “5G IS NOW” exhibition last year FAST Systems and TERSEC technologies decided to participate in the successor show “CO-OP 2023” together. Our joined forces demonstrated how we are able to control and manage numerous sensors, systems and data bases within one consolidated umbrella solution. Our customers benefit from real use cases to increase their safety and security goals and to significantly improve their organizational efficiencies by applying controlled workflow procedures and applications for process automation.
At our booth we presented solutions that can support your organization:
Tersec was present at the open door of airforce base Koksijde.
We presented our secure drone video transmission solutions together with our customer police zone Weskust & partner Noordzee drones.
In the Tersec demo vehicle we received the UAS video feeds from the drones from police zone Westkust & Noordzee drones.
TERSEC showcases TERRA 4D for Public Safety at INFOPOL | XPO112 🔥 🔥 🔥
TERSEC, will be exhibiting at INFOPOL | XPO112, Belgium’s leading trade fair for police and emergency services!
TERSEC will join our partner Citymesh, at their booth to showcase the powerful capabilities of TERRA 4D, a solution specifically designed to enhance public safety operations in the 5G era.
Our open integration, management and 3D visualization platform TERRA 4D protects people and assets from all types of unwanted and unexpected threats. Data correlation from multiple sources, real time actionable intelligence gives our customers the edge, enhancing their vision and ability to make fast, critical decisions in complex situations.
By leveraging the power of 5G, TERRA 4D empowers police and emergency services with the tools they need to respond to critical situations much faster and more effectively.
This is a great opportunity to learn how TERRA 4D can transform your public safety operations. Don’t miss out and visit TERSEC at Citymesh‘s booth 173 in Kortrijk Xpo between April 23rd and April 25th!
👉 Register here:
#INFOPOL #XPO112 #PublicSafety #5G #Citymesh #TERSEC #TERRA4D #CommandandControl
13-01-25 |Tielt, België
Tersec voorziet CityGIS navigator platform met Go112 integratie in nieuwe MUG wagen Sint Andries ziekenhuis Tielt
– integratie met Astrid boordradio- automatische ontvangst incidentlocatie via de HC 112 noodcentrale
– integratie statussen Astrid
– navigatie op huisnummerniveau via integratie kadaster huisnummerinformatie + visualisatie percelen
– hoge resolutie luchtfotolaag
– navigatie routering mogelijk via buslanen e.d. die enkel toegankelijk zijn voor prioritaire voertuigen
– integratie interventieplannen + NIP + BNIP
– naadloze Go112 integratie – aansturing signalisatie via touchscreen
– selecteren Astrid favoriete gespreksgroepen via touchscreen
– uitlezen E-ID m.b.v. geïntegreerde E-ID reader gekoppeld aan de mobiele PC
– overzicht uitgevoerde ritten
Na 10 jaar succesvol gebruik van het CityGIS navigator platform in de vorige MUG wagen
werd beslist om ook in de nieuwe MUG wagen te kiezen voor dit platform.
Door gebruik te maken van dit navigatieplatform ,dat specifiek werd ontwikkeld voor hulpdiensten, kunnen kostbare minuten worden gespaard bij het aanrijden naar kritieke interventies.
Dank aan AZ Sint-Andriesziekenhuis voor het jarenlange vertrouwen & AB Technics voor de samenwerking
& de kwalitatieve inbouw. Dank ook aan Lions Club Tielt voor de ondersteuning van dit project.
New EMS/MUG vehicle for Sint Andries hospital Tielt
13-01-25 | Tielt, Belgium
Tersec provides CityGIS navigator platform with Go112 integration in new MUG car Sint Andries hospital Tielt
– integration with TETRA/ASTRID onboard radio – automatic reception of incident location via the HC 112 emergency center
– integration of Astrid statuses – send & receive status
– navigation at house number level via integration with land register house number information + visualization of parcels
– high resolution aerial photo layer
– navigation routing possible via bus lanes etc. that are only accessible for emergency vehicles
– integration of intervention plans + NIP + BNIP
– seamless Go112 integration – control of blue lights / siren via touch screen
– select TETRA/ASTRID favorite call groups via touchscreen
– read out patient identity with integrated E-ID reader linked to the mobile PC
– overview of completed missions
After 10 years of successful use of the CityGIS navigator platform in the previous EMS/MUG vehicle
it was decided to use this platform in the new EMS/MUG vehicle as well.
By using this navigation platform, which was specifically developed for emergency services, valuable minutes can be saved when driving to critical interventions.
Thanks to AZ Sint-Andriesziekenhuis for the many years of trust & AB Technics for the cooperation & the high-quality installation.
Thanks also to Lions Club Tielt for supporting this project.